Thos. Moser
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Thos. Moser
Thos. Moser sells handmade American furniture that is designed to last generations. Find sustainably sourced solid wood furniture for both contemporary and classic styles. They believe that every piece of furniture should exude strength, stability and comfort for the long haul.
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Thos. Moser sells handmade American furniture that is designed to last generations. Find sustainably sourced solid wood furniture for both contemporary and classic styles. They believe that every piece of furniture should exude strength, stability and comfort for the long haul.
Shop at Thos. Moser Current Sales • Thos. Moser
Updated October 6, 2024
Crescent High Stool on sale: Cherry $840.00 (was $1,050.00), Walnut $1,090.00 (was $1,365.00)
Eastward Stool on sale: Cherry $1,150.00 (was $1,350.00), Walnut $1,490.00 (was $1,755.00)
Table Minimus – Square on sale: Cherry $615.00 (was $725.00), Walnut $800.00 (was $943.00)
Sequel Table on sale: Cherry $980.00 (was $1,400.00), Walnut $1,275.00 (was $1,820.00)
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